Ozzy Pool Features

Keys generated on air-gapped offline machine and secured. Fail2ban protected. Firewall protected

4 X 8 vCPUs - Intel Xeon @ 2.7GHz 16 GB Ram 320 GB SSD Hosted in a >90% renewable energy efficient data center.

24/7 Support
Here at Ozzy pool we are available 24/7 to answer any queries. Official social media accounts can be found here https://linktr.ee/ozzy.pool

We aim to fund raise throughout the year, along with donating 100% of our pool pledge rewards and 10% of pool fixed fee. Donations to Cancer research are made on the last day of every month and total above 30% of pool profits.
Why choose OZZY

Ozzy are proud members of the Cardano single pool alliance.

Ozzy is dedicated to raising money for cancer research and are proud members of the Mission Driven pool alianace.

OZZY pool is a family operated stake pool. We treat each and every delegator as a member of our extended family.

Ozzy Community
Ozzy has an incredible community that support our work. Twitter, Discord, Telegram, Facebook & youtube.